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Our Approach

Because each engagement is unique, we apply what we have learned over the years from our professional careers as well as from our consulting practice into a customized action plan that specifically addresses the client’s needs. Typically most engagements include:

  • Utilizing extensive interviews and group facilitation to gather broad and diverse client input about their business. Framing the issues from a basis of client beliefs and understandings assures integrity of findings and enhances ultimate ownership of the future actions. Building shared understandings is also critical to establishing a high level of trust between the client and us.

  • Examining organizations as systems to understand broad potential areas of impact on issues. The overall organizational culture as well as the multitude of operational and performance systems are all interrelated and can have positive or disruptive impact on any given issue.

  • Developing recommendations and building action plans to distribute and assign personal accountabilities throughout the client organization. Organizational alignment and clear lines of accountability are critical to the organization’s success.

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our approach to a typical engagement.


Developing Visionary Leadership

Achieving Organizational Alignment

Realization of Strategic Intent